On Thursday evening, during Head of School John Davis’ Weekly Update, he announced that Rachel Frecka would be taking on the Secondary Principal Position at ICS. Frecka was born in Roswell, NM, but made El Paso her home at a very young age. She received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business and Economics from Wheaton College, and a Master of Educational Leadership from Colorado Christian University. Rachel and her husband Andy found themselves involved with Youth with a Mission, an international organization that focuses on youth involvement in Christian missions around the globe. Their involvement with YWAM led them to Russia, where they spent over 20 years serving in ministry. When their children became high school age, Rachel began working in various administrative and teaching roles at Hinkson Christian Academy, an ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) accredited school located in Moscow, Russia.

When the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia began in early 2022, Rachel and her husband sought God’s guidance as to what would be best for their family. They decided it was time to move back to the United States. It was this move, and Rachel’s admiration for ACSI schools, that led her to find an opening in her adopted hometown of El Paso, Texas. Rachel and her husband Andy are the parents to four children, two of which will be attending ICS beginning in the Fall.
Please join us in welcoming the newest addition to the Warrior Family, Secondary Principal Rachel Frecka!
Watch her introduction and interview with Head of School John Davis, below:
#ICSWarriors ⚔️