Tomorrow, September 27th, we are asking students to wear black and gold to help promote awareness of childhood cancer.
Sadly childhood cancer has seriously affected one of our families. Here is their story:
“On October 15, 2021 Alexander was diagnosed with Pre-B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. As you can imagine that day forever changed our lives. For the first month he was contained to the hospital and given aggressive chemotherapy daily along with chemo inserted into his spine weekly. Gratefully, after the first month he was in remission. Unfortunately, because it was a blood cancer his treatment is for a total of 2.5 years. He continued through what we call "Frontline" which consisted of many different aggressive chemos throughout 5 phases with each phase being about two months long. It was during this time he had countless hospital stays due to side effects, caught many viruses from being severely immunocompromised, and required several blood and platlet transfusions. He also experienced side effects that landed him in the Pediatric ICU, as well as, toxicity from one of his chemos he continues to take. This time last year, he entered the second part of treatment called "Maintenence," which now consists of oral chemo daily, an additional oral chemo weekly, and every three months he recieves chemo inserted into his spine. He is absolutely amazing and his strength is unmatched. By the grace of God and all your prayers he continues to remain strong and perseveres. His last day of treatment is January 28, 2024, a long awaited 2.5 years will finally be done. Thank you ICS for your constant love and support and allowing Alexander to share his story to bring awareness. Awareness is very important as only 8% of cancer research funds is given to pediatric cancers which means our kids are on adult protocols. The risk of this includes long term side effects, cognitive delays, secondary cancers and death. None of which our kids deserve. Thank you again ICS family for this opportunity. We love you all. God Bless.
"You never think it could be you, until it is."”
-Alexander’s Family
#ICSWarriors ⚔️