Last week, on December 1st, our 6th Grade Drama Team performed Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”! A special thank you to Mrs. Maria Reynolds for her hard work preparing the the 6th Grade Drama Team!
Cast List:
Ebenezer Scrooge: Joshua Rodriguez
Bob Cratchit: Aiden Flanigan
Ghost of Christmas Past: Maya Curry
Ghost of Christmas Present: Karla Ibuado
Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come: Valeria Escobar
Fred: Gael Quiñonez
Mrs. Cratchit: Gigi Oberding
Peter Cratchit: Pablo Talavera
Martha Cratchit: Paulah Canizales
Tiny Tim/Jacob Marley’s Ghost: Cedric Corralez
Fezziwig: Hector Garza
Belle: Emma Jaquez
Young Scrooge: Timothy Urquidi
Fan/Villager: Kezia Rayon
Villager: Albert Sawbo
Julianne De Leon, ICS Yearbook Staff
#ICSWarriors ⚔️